Quotative vs Partitive Division

Being that this does not even ring a bell from my elementary school years I thought I would look into it a little further.

Quotative division involves taking a set of size A and forming groups of size B. The number of groups of this size that can be formed, C, is the quotient of A and B.
Do you know how many belong in each group and are you trying to decide how many groups you have?
Number of parts

partitive division problem is one where you know the total number of groups,and you are trying to find the number of items in each group.
Do you know how many groups you have and are you trying deciding how many in each group?
The size of each part

I need a mnemonic to remember the difference for sure.  

Basically Part= size, Quot = number but need to think of how to remember this.  Will come back to that!

For a little in class action, role playing out word problems is a good way to start, using students and props in the real world problem.  

Example: Call up 5 volunteers.  Each student is 1 group.  
Image result for 5 students
There are 15 small pumpkins.  

Ask the class how many pumpkins each volunteer will receive.  

Image result for pumpkin

Is this Partitive or Quotative??

PARTITIVE!  We are thinking of the SIZE of the parts.  We already knew we had 5 parts volunteers)

15/5= 3 pumpkins for each volunteer

Example of a word problem:

There are 24 mittens.  Each person needs a pair (2) to go outside for recess.  How many people can go outside for recess?

Is this Partitive or Quotative??

QUOTATIVE!! We are deciding how many parts we have, we already know how many is in each part!
24/2=12 people (parts) can each wear 2 (number of parts) mittens 


  1. Hi Bonnie Jeanne! I’m glad you provided some examples for partitive and quotative division problems. I don’t remember doing this when I was at school, although it might have been worded differently. Since the words are kind of big and hard to understand as is, I like how you really simplified. Word problems are especially hard for students sometimes and I liked the examples you provided because they are clear. Another great way you were able to teach this lesson was by incorporating the students so it’s not just about doing worksheets, but they also get to get up and learn in a different, physical, style.

  2. Great feedback Samra.


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